Exam Schedules
Here are the exams for both in-class exams and exams held during the exam week of Jan 27th to Feb 2nd.
Thank you
Here are the exams for both in-class exams and exams held during the exam week of Jan 27th to Feb 2nd.
Thank you
Here is the OSSLT Schedule that was sent out to Parents
Next Catholic School Council Meeting October 11, 2016.
We will meet in the library at 7:00pm
Here is the schedule for the Grade 9’s as they enjoy our wonderful YLCC experience!
The Catholic School Advisory Council provides important contributions to many school issues. We invite Parents/Guardians to join us on the executive of our Council. These positions are for a one year term beginning October, 2015. Parents/Guardians who are separate school ratepayers and who have students who are enrolled at Holy Cross may be elected as Parent Representatives on the School Council. ... Continue reading "How to Become a Member of the Catholic School Council"
To become a