COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures
The York Catholic District School Board worked closely with its partners at the Ministry of...
Holy Cross CA-The Best in Ontario!
Holy Cross Catholic Academy is the best boys soccer team in Ontario!! The Holy Cross...
Catholic Education Week May 1- 6 2022: “Rebuild, Restore, Renew Together”
Each year, Catholic school boards across Canada come together to celebrate the Gospel values and...
Grade 11 Semi-Formal!
The HCCA Student Government has planned “A Red Carpet Affair” Semi Formal for Grade 11...
It’s time to double check your School Support Designation!
Protect and promote Catholic education – Ensure you are registered as a Catholic Separate School...
2022 YCDSB Distinguished Alumni Awards
Nominations Open! The YCDSB Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the return of its...