
News Stories

Civvies in support of Sharelife

This Thursday March 2nd and Thursday, March 23rd,  Holy Cross will be having a Lenten Fundraising Civvies Day for ShareLife.  ShareLife is the charitable appeal of the Archdiocese of Toronto, supporting 43 Catholic organizations that serve people in need (such as Covenant House, Birthright, New Beginnings, the Good Shepherd Centre, Canadian Food For Children, Catholic Community Services of York Region…just to name a few.)  We ... Continue reading "Civvies in support of Sharelife"

Earthquake Relief Popcorn Sales

In wake of the tragedy in Türkiye and Syria, the Best Buddies Club and Year 1 IB students have partnered to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria Appeal. We will be selling bags of popcorn for $2 during all lunches on Tuesday, February 14, and Thursday, February 16, with all proceeds going towards our goal of raising $500. Furthermore, ... Continue reading "Earthquake Relief Popcorn Sales"

Are you interested in becoming a Mathlete?

Do you have a passion and enthusiasm for Mathematics?  Do you enjoy solving challenging math problems? Can you problem-solve under pressure?

The HCCA Mathletes consists of individuals who are able to solve problems using innovative and creative solutions.  Students provide unique solutions in their pursuit for solutions to complex and “messy” problems.  They are able to perceive, visualize, and generalize numeric

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