
News Stories

Holy Cross Uniform Procedures

Students are responsible for being in uniform while attending school.  We have reached out to our uniform provider, DGN Kilters, and they will be continuing with their tuck truck visits to Holy Cross.  Please check our website for the upcoming date. They have also assured me that a great deal of the uniform backlog has been cleared. In addition, we will be hosting a
... Continue reading "Holy Cross Uniform Procedures"

Hawk’s Closet

Hey Hawks, do you have any gently used uniform items or spirit wear sitting around your house?  Well, you’re in luck! The HCCA Community will be collecting gently used school uniform items or spirit wear from Monday, November 21st to Friday, December 9th, to be sold to students at a discounted price the week of December 12th.  All proceeds from these sales will be donated ... Continue reading "Hawk’s Closet"

 A few Halloween Reminders…

Please note the importance of discouraging cultural misappropriation in costumes, and the need for appropriateness of costumes to be worn in our schools. Some suggestions to bring to your school

community’s attention can be:

1. Culture is NOT Costume: Ask your students and staff to refrain from using costumes that represent a cultural group or ethnicity. (e.g. Indigenous, Chinese, Arabic,

... Continue reading " A few Halloween Reminders…"