News Stories
Drama Production of High School Musical Moved to Saturday Jan. 13th at 7pm
Due to the inclement weather we have had to cancel our production for tonight, BUT we will move it to tomorrow Saturday, January 13 2018.
See you there!
Awards and Faith Subcommittee Wed Jan 10th
Awards and Faith Subcommittee meeting is taking place on Wed Jan 10th at 7:30pm in the library for Parent Council.
CSC Social Committee meeting Dec. 12th
Social Committee is planning on meeting on Tuesday December 12th 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library
Inclement Weather Notification
Parents and Students,
Please read the attached newsletter regarding notification for inclement weather.
The Members Of The Catholic School Council for 2017-2018
Executive Council: Denise Da Ros-Presutti (Chair) Rita Mirhassani-Vahed (Vice Chair) Olimpia Rodrigues (Treasurer) Evelyn Pascuzzo (Secretary)
Members-at- Large: Eliana Beltrano Angela D’Angelo Marcella Di Lieto Anna Iozzo Josie Locilento Tony Lorini Helene Smart Peter Vecchiarelli Peter Walsh
Marlena Salvador (Parish Representative) Pina DiStefano (Community Representative) Mr. Lavor (Principal) Ms. Collins (Vice-Principal) Mr. Flynn (Vice-Principal) Mr. Teixeira (Teacher Representative) Ms. Ana Lisa ... Continue reading "The Members Of The Catholic School Council for 2017-2018"